Drive sales of your publishing and media products by leveraging all marketing and advertising opportunities, including Facebook, Google Ads, Criteo, Adform, and more. Optimize the presentation of your offer for individual platforms and target groups for better visibility. We help you to implement these measures even more efficiently: Feed Dynamix provides easy and efficient data feed management for publishers and media companies. With our feed management solution you can automate the optimization and distribution of your data feeds for all relevant marketing platforms and control offers individually according to relevant characteristics. Reach your target audience with the right offers at the right time and increase the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Our expertise

As experts in data feed management and e-commerce, we understand the importance of flexible and scalable feed setups. Publishers and media companies that want to drive sales of their products integrate not only bibliographic data such as author, title, edition, and price into their data feeds, but also availability information and other sales-supporting information, such as about their target audiences and their interests.

Our solution provides:

  • Convenient matching and merging to combine data from multiple sources and create a single master feed.

  • Filtering and black/white lists to select and tag offers based on various criteria such as availability, book prices won, or publication date.

  • Templates and standardization to restructure and optimize data.

  • Conversion and provision of data in relevant formats.

  • Comprehensive validations to ensure that each marketing partner receives the right data, in the right quality, at the right time.

Lösungen für Verlage und Medienhäuser

Achieve more with Feed Dynamix!

Your advantages with Feed Dynamix

  • 10 years of experience in data feed management

  • Superior service quality

  • No internal IT effort to integrate & use our SaaS solution
  • Calculable conditions

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